
DE7400XE Request a Quote

The DE7400XE is the smallest XEON in the world. Its Intel Xeon E3v5 CPU can drive up to 3 UHD screens and 4 external SATA hard disks.

This product is no longer available through AOPEN but will continue to support the product within its warranty period. If you are looking specifically for this product, contact us for availability at your local distributor.



UHD (4k) content playback

This media player is capable of driving UHD (4k) content. With a resolution that goes up to 3840 x 2160 pixels, your content will be close to perfect. This feature marks the players that are capable of delivering content that is fluent and stutter-free in UHD (4k).

Multi-output video wall solution

This player is a multi-output solution. This means one player drives up to six screens. Computing devices with this feature are the perfect backbone for video walls and other multi-screen solutions. These include symmetrical and asymmetrical video walls, depending on software and content.

Reliable high-end computing, low power consumption

This Digital engine is created for 24/7 use. It is actively cooled with a fan and ensures low power consumption. Combine this feature with a long lifecycle and you will see why this Digital Engine will lower your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

The smallest XEON in the world

The DE7400-XEON runs on the Intel XEON platform. The DE7400-XEON is therefore the smallest XEON device in the market today. High-end signage, surveillance, analytics, virtualization, SQL server or a combination of either is no problem for this Skylake based system.

Advanced storage capabilities

The DE7400(XE) has a mini-SAS connector for external SATA hard disks. The DE7400 is capable of connecting two, the DE7400-XE four. Create an NVR by using these harddisks for storage, upgrade device speed, or store big data on these RAID bays and ensure a more redundant server solution. 

Watchdog Timer

With the Watchdog timer, your solution is running at the highest uptime possible. When the Watchdog timer is included in your critical application, the Watchdog is the ultimate failsafe. As soon as the hardware timer reaches zero, the system will reboot. 

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