DE7400XEDE Series |
EC650Engine Core |
Device Features
Van Domburg Partners has long been AOPEN's valued partner and distributor. They specialise in video surveillance, video analytics and digital signage. As a distributor they discuss the newest solutions with AOPEN.
The newest developments in the market are, for instance, Heatmapping. With software partner Vizualize, you can see where your customers visit in the store and how long they stand before an aisle and a certain product. For surveillance, a software partner designed software to ensure that any inconsistency is noticed by the system to keep your business safe. For the digital signage van Domburg Partners uses AOPENs Digital Engines, which can be stored in the Engine Core.
The Engine Core 650 can hold up to 6 Digital Engines (including adapter 90W or 65W). The construction allows for integration into a data centre, so all players are secured in a central environment. The cooling and cable management also provide for a sustainable solutions that drives down TCO by lowering energy costs.