
Stakeholder Grievance Mechanism


AOPEN Incorporated and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), in order to enhance corporate governance for not only developing a sustainable environment, maintaining the social public interest and implementing the policy of corporate social responsibility, but also protecting stakeholders’ (including, but not limited to suppliers, consumers, investment stakeholders, shareholders or clients of the company) rights and advancing the communication with stakeholders, please report to the Company through the following access when you aware any incident in relation with the involvement of fraudulence, corruption, violation of AOPEN's Standards of Ethical Conduct or other corporate policy, and any illegal conducts of AOPEN personnel (hereinafter referred to as the “Incident”), we will properly handle the Incident in accordance with internal regulations and procedures:


E-mail: stakeholder@aopen.com


Please provide as follows when the Incident reports:

  • Your name and reachable contact information (e.g. address, telephone number or e-mail).
  • Sufficient information (e.g. name) to identify the AOPEN personnel you reports.
  • Facts and other evidences of the Incident for further investigation.


The whistleblower (hereinafter referred to as “You”) acknowledges and confirms as follows:

  1. You shall raise a report with Your name and contact information. The company may contact You during the investigation, if necessary.
  2. You shall provide the Company specific information, relevant documents and/or sufficient evidences at Your best in order to facilitate investigation and to ascertain the facts. Please understand, if the information You provided is insufficient, the Company will not be able to or will be difficult to ascertain the facts.
  3. Please do not fabricate the facts on purpose or provide false or untrue information or evidence. Provided that the information or evidence is fabricated on purpose or false or untrue, You shall take the liability in accordance with applicable laws, and You will be liable to the Company for any loss or damages attributable to You.
  4. The Company will keep Your identity and contact details in confidential in accordance with our internal data protection policy and applicable regulations. You shall keep any communications between You and the Company and/or any information the Company provides You in confidential, and shall not disclose such communication or information to any third party or utilize for other purposes. Except as otherwise permitted by laws, You shall not use such communications or information to file litigations or petitions, raise any claims, or provide with legal material against the Company.